Product catches fireOpen

Loubna Elhassan

231 days ago


Not Resolved

I bought a product from amazon. Order dated 13th June 2024
Product name: RED by Kiss 3000 Ceramic Stand Hood Dryer with Digital Timer
Brand: red by kiss
Order no. 407-6592350-6709144

The hair dryer which I bought on the above mentioned item just caught fire on my very first use which was tonight.
I had an infant in my arms while using the stand dryer, it just started heating up and smoke went out and started to burn,  the house was full of smoke and the plastic was melting ! 
I am still shocked and terrified of what happened
I called amazon team and they asked me to return it othetwise no refund will be issued.

As u can see in the video the product have melted so I am not sure what can be returned except for the stand ! 
I need to file an official complain regarding the product as it is 100% not safe to use and should be recalled !




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