Ahmed Talel Bel Hajala
File a complaint



Complaints: 1

Ahmed Talel Bel Hajala




Ahmed Talel Bel Hajala

Rental Scam


130 days ago


Not Resolved

Ahmed Talel Bel hajala, citizen of Tunisia, emirates ID : 784-1996- 9836778-9, real estate agent, Scamming many people in Dubai. This is his style :
He made yearly tenancy contract with me ( landlord ) for monthly payment, after first month he stops to pay the rent, he start to creating stories that he is traveling or his bank doesn't works so he not pays. After months of communication and pleasing him to pay, he doesn't care and not pay. I needed to open rental case to evict him, but it takes so much time. You basically loose 6 month of rent and utilities and service charges and lawyer fees and court fees...
Its really crazy situation for investors in Dubai.
Such people should be immediately arrested, because they do really bad name for Dubai and after such situations investors will be afraid to invest in Dubai. Please be careful with such agents and esspesialy this one.
Thank you

Ahmed Talel Bel Hajala



Ahmed Talel Bel Hajala

Ahmed Talel Bel Hajala

