Perfect Wash Laundry
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Complaints: 1

Perfect Wash Laundry




Perfect Wash Laundry

Complain fro laundry. They destroy my shoes and didn’t return me money


176 days ago


Not Resolved

The laundry put some chemicals for my shoes and destroyed them
At the laundry they didn’t give me any documents even I asked “would you give me paper for my order”- they told “no. Just give your number phone”
So now I don’t have receiv from service, and I don’t have shoes. but I have chatt screen with them
Also sent to them screen from insta chat where I bayed this shouse and the price was 1600aed. At the laundry they told me what they can find the same for price 350 so they would not pay
Pls help me. This is not fair. Why I should loose money for their fault?

Perfect Wash Laundry



Perfect Wash Laundry

Perfect Wash Laundry

