
Joined July 21, 2024

hostile business practices from Gymnation


228 days ago

Not Resolved

In December of 2022, we found out that gymnation was double charging our credit card (i.e. charging us twice a month for the same membership). We proceeded to call gymnation and try to solve the issue, they tried to claim that they were charging the card for 'the membership of my wife Asmaa Mansour,' which was peculiar as my wife never had a membership with this gym. Later we find out this all started due to a misunderstanding, because my wife was acting as a guarantor for my son while he was renewing membership. Thus, they had made 2 accounts, one for my son and one in the name of his mother. After that they started charging twice a month in the name of my son and wife, so they could 'double-dip' so to speak. We found this quite unacceptable, so we decided to formally terminate our membership with gymnation by sending an email stating that we would like to resolve the issue, and that we were no longer interested in renewing our memberships. We even sent proof from the hospital after my son's car crash that he could no longer exercise for a long time. Despite all this, this organisation still try to charge our credit card (which has now been blocked) 2-3 times everyday! They also still send hostile emails/text messages/phone calls harassing and threatening my son about these payments. Thanks